3D Set Backround (fpt.)

Jon Prosser from Front Page Tech was in the process of finishing up his best ever video, using an AI generated background as a set. After seeing the AI background, I figured it might be worth recreating it in 3D using Blender. The result was my close recreation of the room created by the AI, but with more depth and warmth - a cozier vibe.

3D Set Backround (fpt.)

Jon Prosser from Front Page Tech was in the process of finishing up his best ever video, using an AI generated background as a set. After seeing the AI background, I figured it might be worth recreating it in 3D using Blender. The result was my close recreation of the room created by the AI, but with more depth and warmth - a cozier vibe.

3D Set Backround (fpt.)

Jon Prosser from Front Page Tech was in the process of finishing up his best ever video, using an AI generated background as a set. After seeing the AI background, I figured it might be worth recreating it in 3D using Blender. The result was my close recreation of the room created by the AI, but with more depth and warmth - a cozier vibe.

Currently available

Let's create something together.

Currently available

Let's create something together.

Currently available

Let's create something together.

11:29 PM PDT
(in my timezone)
11:29 PM PDT
(in my timezone)
11:29 PM PDT
(in my timezone)